Dateline - Season 20 Episode 7
Dateline - Season 20 Episode 7 - Crime TV Shows 43:84. story about "Rescue on the Mountainside" Ann Curry reports on the August 9, 2010 plane crash in Alaska that killed Senator Ted Stevens and the heroic efforts of the crash survivors and rescuers who responded quickly to the crisis."Stealing Paradise" Kate Snow investigates the disappearance and murder of Cher Hughe, a resident on the tropical island Bocas del Toro off the coast of Panama.
Released: Mar 31, 1992
Runtime: 43:84
Genre: Crime, Documentary
Stars: Lester Holt
Networks: NBC, Citytv
- 0. Episode 62010-10-22
- 1. In Broad Daylight2010-09-24
- 2. In The Dead of Night2010-10-01
- 4. Friday, Oct 15, 20102010-10-15
- 5. Blind Justice2010-10-15
- 8. Friday, Oct 29, 20102010-10-29
- 10. Friday, November 52010-11-12
- 11. Searching for Kyron/Mean Girls2010-11-12
- 12. The Man Who Will Be King2010-11-19
- 13. Fr20132010-12-03
- 14. Friday, December 102010-12-10
- 15. Friday, December 172010-12-17
- 16. FR20182011-01-14
- 17. Thursday, Janaury 72011-01-07
- 18. Sunday, January 92011-01-09
- 20. Friday, January 212011-01-21
- 22. SU20202011-02-06
- 23. Friday, January 282011-01-28
- 24. Written in Blood2011-01-28
- 25. Sunday, January 302011-01-30
- 26. Su20222011-02-20
- 28. Sunday, February 62011-02-06
- 29. Friday, February 112011-02-11
- 30. Sunday, February 132011-02-13
- 31. FR20252011-03-11
- 32. Friday, February 182011-02-19
- 33. FR20262011-03-18
- 34. Sunday, February 202011-02-20
- 35. Sunday, February 202011-02-20
- 36. Friday, February 252011-02-25
- 37. Friday, February 252011-02-25
- 38. Sunday, February 272011-02-27
- 39. Friday, March 42011-03-04
- 40. Sunday, March 62011-03-06
- 41. Friday, March 112011-03-11
- 42. Sunday, March 132011-03-13
- 43. Friday, March 132011-03-13
- 44. Friday, March 182011-03-18
- 45. Friday, March 182011-03-18
- 46. Friday, March 182011-03-18
- 47. Sunday, March 202011-03-20
- 48. Sunday, March 202011-03-20
- 49. Friday, March 252011-03-25
- 51. Friday, March 252011-03-25
- 52. Sunday, March 272011-03-27
- 53. Sunday, March 272011-03-27
- 54. Friday, April 12011-04-01
- 55. Friday, April 12011-04-01
- 56. Sunday, April 32011-04-03
- 57. Sunday, April 32011-04-03
- 58. Friday, April 82011-04-08
- 59. Sunday, April 102011-04-10
- 60. Sunday, April 172011-04-17
- 61. Sunday, April 242011-04-24
- 62. The Girl With The Blue Mustang2011-04-29
- 63. Sunday, May 12011-05-01