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Z.P.G. (1972)

Z.P.G. (1972) - Science Fiction Movies 97 minutes. Zero Population Growth, Edicto Siglo XXI Prohibido tener hijos, Bevölkerungszuwachs Null, ZPG - Die Erde stirbt, Geburten verboten, Die Erde stirbt - Geburten verboten, Ανάπτυξις Πληθυσμού Μηδέν, Αύξηση Πληθυσμού Μηδέν, Zero, Dead Kids, Zero Population growth - Die Erde stirbt..., Population zéro. In the not too distant future, an overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute robot baby, breaks the rules. , , , , , ,