In the Aftermath (1988)
In the Aftermath (1988) - Animation Movies 72 minutes. In the Aftermath: Angels Never Sleep, After Rabbit, Angel's Egg, Ключ к жизни, A Chave do Futuro. In a radiation-soaked wasteland, two surviving soldiers, Frank and Goose, search for essential supplies amid the rubble. After a violent confrontation, Frank is haunted by visions of an angelic young girl holding a giant egg, herself a refugee from another world altogether. Could the egg be the key to saving both their world? post-apocalyptic future, surrealism, end of the world, part animation
Released: Jan 01, 1988
Runtime: 72 minutes
Genre: Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Stars: Tony Markes, Rainbow Dolan, Kenneth McCabe, Kurtiss J. Tews, Bryan Ellenburg, Ian Ruskin
Crew: Carl Colpaert (Director), Christopher Harvengt (Supervising Sound Editor), Geza Sinkovics (Director of Photography), Clifford 'Kip' Gynn (Production Sound Mixer), J. Bryan Holloway (Art Department Assistant), Tom Dugan (Producer)